Cracking the Code: Calculating Statutory Holiday Pay in Ontario

how holiday pay is calculated in ontario

Statutory holidays are moments to relax and celebrate, but for employers in Ontario, it also means navigating the intricacies of holiday pay calculations. Understanding the rules governing statutory holiday pay is crucial to ensure fair compensation for employees. In this article, we’ll delve into how holiday pay is calculated in Ontario.

Understanding Statutory Holidays in Ontario

In Ontario, there are nine recognized statutory holidays, including New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. These holidays are designated for employees to take a break and are an essential aspect of employment standards.


Statutory Holidays in Ontario in 2023
Statutory Holidays in Ontario in 2023

Calculating Statutory Holiday Pay

Calculating Statutory Holiday Pay
Calculating Statutory Holiday Pay

The calculation of statutory holiday pay in Ontario involves determining an employee’s average daily wage. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Regular Workday: If the employee works on a regular workday, they are entitled to their regular wage for that day.
  • Not a Regular Workday: If the holiday falls on a day that is not a regular workday for the employee, the calculation becomes a bit more intricate. The statutory holiday pay is 1/20th of the employee’s total regular wages in the four workweeks before the workweek in which the holiday falls.
  • Overtime Considerations: If an employee works overtime in the four weeks before the holiday, the employer must include this in the calculation. Overtime pay, vacation pay, and public holiday pay are all included in the total regular wages.
  • Part-Time and Irregular Hours: For employees with irregular hours or part-time status, the calculation is based on their average daily wage, which is the total regular wages earned in the pay period divided by the number of days worked.

Holiday Pay Formula

Holiday Pay Formula
Holiday Pay Formula

The formula for calculating statutory holiday pay in Ontario is as follows:

Statutory Holiday Pay = Total Regular Wages Earned in 4 Weeks/ 20

This formula ensures that both full-time and part-time employees receive fair compensation for statutory holidays.

Record-Keeping Requirements

Employers in Ontario must maintain accurate records of employees’ hours worked, regular wages, and any overtime. These records are essential for calculating statutory holiday pay correctly and can be subject to inspection by employment standards officers.

Seeking Guidance

Navigating the nuances of statutory holiday pay calculations can be complex, and employers are encouraged to seek professional advice if they have uncertainties. Employment standards in Ontario are subject to updates, so staying informed is crucial for compliance.

Understanding how holiday pay is calculated in Ontario is essential for both employers and employees. By following the established rules and formulas, employers can ensure that their team receives fair compensation for their dedication and hard work. As statutory holiday pay is a significant aspect of employment standards, staying informed about the regulations helps foster a positive and compliant work environment.